If you see a listing that violates one of our policies, report it.

Prohibited and restricted items:

  • Adult items with content that is illegal 
  • Sexually explicit materials, including items displaying sexual activities, are not allowed
  • BB guns, pellet guns, airsoft, air rifles and air pistols are not allowed
  • Bear traps and certain leghold traps can’t be sold
  • Mystery items or listings that offer an opportunity to win an item by chance or contest are not allowed
  • Listings for used cosmetics, sponges, or applicators are not allowed
  • We don’t allow counterfeit items or unauthorized copies to be listed
  • The sale of credit cards, debit cards, and money orders is restricted or not allowed
  • Listings or items that portray, glorify, or attempt to profit from human tragedy or suffering, or that are insensitive to victims of such events, are not allowed.
  • Electronic items prohibited by government
  • Products that bypass, defeat, or render inoperative emission-control systems are not allowed
  • Encouraging or enabling illegal activity is not allowed
  • Firearms are not allowed
  • Expired food
  • Used funeral items are not allowed.
  • Government, transit or shipping company property is not allowed.
  • Hazardous materials such as carcinogens, combustibles, explosive precursors, ozone-depleting chemicals, poisons, radioactive materials and items that contain or release such substances are generally prohibited 
  • Human body parts or items containing body parts are not allowed.
  • Illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, and drug-like substances are not allowed
  • Intangible items or anything a buyer can’t confirm that they’ve received are not allowed.
  • Pets and live animals aren’t allowed
  • Lockpicking or locksmithing devices are not allowed.
  • Lottery tickets, game pieces, and codes and coupons for sweepstakes often have specific rules set out by operators, so generally, we don’t allow them to be listed
  • Medical devices that require a prescription can’t be sold
  • For safety, the sale of military items is restricted.
  • Listings that promote or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination aren’t allowed.
  • Selling private information, social media items, and software or tools that send unsolicited contacts are not allowed
  • Plants or seeds prohibited by government are not allowed.
  • Police and emergency response uniforms, equipment, or accessories are not allowed.
  • Prescription drugs, or products containing prescription-strength medication, are not allowed.
  • Offering items at a price higher than is considered fair or reasonable is not allowed
  • Products that pose a health or safety hazard aren’t allowed.
  • Users are not allowed to list real estate for a third-party, unless you are a licensed real estate professional.
  • Replica firearms, toy and prop guns must have a blaze orange plug
  • The sale or offer of services that are illegal or sexual, are not allowed
  • Selling product reviews, social media likes, followers, and similar services, is not allowed.
  • The sale of stolen property violates government, federal and international law, and we will work with law enforcement in any attempts to sell stolen property
  • E-cigarettes and their accessories, or items containing tobacco, are not allowed 
  • Used underwear and socks are not allowed, even if they are clean.
  • Vehicles, parts and accessories that don’t follow government regulations are not allowed.
  • Listings that promote or glorify violence or violent acts, or are associated with individuals who are notorious for committing violent acts, are not allowed.
  • Listings for virtual currency are not allowed
  • Weapons are not allowed

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